Monday, March 18, 2013

World's tallest building to be built in just 90 days

Recently, the Board Construction Group Corporation of China announced a very ambitious plan, which is the project to build the highest skyscraper in the world just 90 days. The new building will be named "Sky City One", 838 m high. While the world's tallest building Burj Khalifa is currently in Dubai, with 828 meters height. Sky City One Burj Khalifa will be higher than 10 m, while an estimated construction time is only 1/20 the time of the construction of the Burj Khalifa.

Board builders Group is very experienced in the construction of the building a "super speed". Previously Board Group has built 15 storey hotel in New Ark mere 1 week and 1 6 storey supermarket in just 1 day.

Board Group also provides a method of construction that is super speed methods Broad Sustainable Building (BSB). In which 90% of the floor of the building will be constructed separately and divided into small pieces, then they will be assembled and stacked with special topology.

Recently, Broad Group has successfully tested a new technology to help a 30-story building could withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake. Chinese contractors are confident that the new construction method can be applied to buildings higher than Sky City One 800 m with 220 floors.

Sky City One will have an area of ​​about 1,000,000 square meters used, with 220 floors and 104 lifts separately. CEO Zhang Yue said that the building will only consume energy equal to one fifth of conventional buildings of the same area of ​​use. The energy saving is partly based on the advanced technology, a component-based design with glass wall and door insulation.

Estimated cost to build Sky City One is about $ 628 million, a relatively low figure if compared to the $ 1.5 billion cost of building Burj Khalifa.

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